The photographs below are of the A 4/101 Avn "Comanchero" unit Memorial Service for the men we lost on Nov 15 2003 in Iraq on Aircraft #531 -Chief Warrant Officer 2 Scott Saboe - 2nd Lt. Jeremy L. Wolfe - Spc. Ryan T. Baker - Spc. Jeremiah J. DiGiovanni - Spc. William D. Dusenbery - Sgt. John W. Russell
This video is the start of the services and shows the stage with a good view of the wreaths that were purchased in honor of those lost. Fort Campbell, KY 21 November 2003 1330 - Video by Chuck Luczynski
4/101 Avn "Wings of the Eagle" Memorial Photos
More photographs from Veterans Day Weekend 2004 at Fort Campbell, KY
This is the new Comanchero Patch, it was designed by CW2 AJ Santiago. It was drawn by hand shortly after the Comancheros crossed the berm into Iraq. Once we returned, it was decided that the drawing would be converted into the new patch. The war hungry Comanchero aircraft in the patch wears 531 on the intermediate section for our lost aircraft of 531 which was lost over Mosul on NOV 15th 2003. We lost 4 Comancheros that night
Behind the aircraft is the country of Iraq. The blue oval is an aviation blue. The aircraft wears the Comanchero headgear to include the tassels and large brim. He is equipped with David Clark headphones and two fully locked and loaded M60 machine guns. he also has the Comanchero engine cowling "Tattoo". He is ready at a moments notice to spill the blood of evil do'ers and help those in need of a Comanchero. Enjoy the new patch! CW2 Aj Santiago
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Comanchero Door-Gunner 12/70 - 10/71 DISCLAIMER: Items used on This Web Page are drawn from sources all over the internet, including FTP sites. Some images have been scanned from books and magazines. If information is known about the originator a credit is placed near that item, otherwise if you are the author or photographer and do not want it shown on this web site, please advise the webmaster and it will be removed. None of these items are being sold. No copyright infringement is intended. |