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Department of Veterans Affairs Home Page
eBenefits is your one-stop shop for online benefits-related tools and information. eBenefits - Home
VA Benefits in Brief is a printable document that provides an at-a-glance description of VA benefits, as well as contact phone numbers and locations.
Compensation & Pension Service Home Page, page CAP01
Benefits Index, Compensation and Pension Benefits
Rate Tables Index, Compensation and Pension Service
Veterans Administration Pamphlets and Publications
Veterans Administration - Burial and Memorial Benefits Home
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR): A regularly updated, unofficial, non-legal edition of the CFR, created in partnership with the Office of the Federal Register - Title 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief
IMPORTANT HEALTH INFORMATION! The Air Force documents exposure for those who served at Balad AB. If you served at Balad AB Iraq during any time period this exposure needs to be documented in your medical files ASAP
How to search for your military records, from Charlie Rains, EX Dir VHCMA An excellent one page summation
National Personnel Records Center - Military Personnel Records
NARA | Facilities | Missouri | National Personnel Records Center
Replacement of your Military Awards and Decorations
If you don't mind paying for your missing medals Medals of America Store
Military Personnel Records, SF-180 How to Obtain Standard Form 180
Request Pertaining to Military Records
Request Copies of your Military Personnel Record online
Correcting Military Service Records and Discharges
Introduction to and explanations of discharge Spin Codes
Air Compassion for Veterans ACV provides wounded warriors free air trans to get them to best suited medical treatments
Mesothelioma Cancer and Asbestos Exposure Among Veterans
Veterans Administration - Agent Orange: Diseases Related to Agent Orange Exposure
Veteran Administration Herbicide Exposure - Agent Orange, Compensation and Pension Service
Agent Orange: Disability Compensation for Related Diseases
Ischemic Heart Disease (Agent Orange Related)
Ischemic heart disease is linked to Agent Orange exposure during qualifying
military service.
Agent Orange Exposed
Veterans Advice and Help
Guide to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
Military Veterans (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) PTSD Reference Manual **** Very good information for filing a claim
Veterans Benefits Guide - PTSD
Help for PTSD: information, resources, and the Post-Traumatic Gazette Newsletter from Patience Press
About Medications For Combat PTSD
Andreasen, N. C. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Am J Psychiatry 161:1321-1323, August 2004
PTSD diagnostic criteria from the
Hearing loss information and a list of Noise levels of common US Army equipment
U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
The following links that provide great information on PTSD were provided by Kaylee Thompson
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