I thought I would give you some interesting news, regarding
our last mini-reunion, held in Huntington Beach, CA, on March 21-23, 2002. We had several guests attend, one which was
Rick Bergquest, (158 Lancer, 1969)who wound up being a great help to us. We had approximately 33 Kingsmen, and with
guests, wives, friends, family, had a total of 55 show up. We all had
a great time, and we had a special Kingsmen Flag made up for
the event, and had everybody autograph it when they checked in. And, of course, guess who drew the flag when
the time came? Wouldn't you know
it, a Lancer wound up with the Kingsmen
Flag. Rick didn't want to accept it, but we told him, he would have to put it
up for auction, so we could win it back.
Anyway, I though you could have some fun with this on the Comanchero
Mike Grisey
Kingsmen Group 2002 Reunion Photo
Photo provided by Mike Grisey
Left to right are: Tom Schnaubelt, Kingsmen 19, Roger Smith, CE 67-68, Rick Berquest, DG, Lancer, 158th Avn, Bn,(winner of flag) and Glen Bolon, Kingsmen 16.
Photo provided by Mike Grisey
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Comanchero Door-Gunner 12/70 - 10/71
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