Campbell, TN ~ May 17th - 20th, 2007
Holiday Inn Clarksville, I 24
Exit 4, 2095 Wilma Rudolph Blvd., Clarksville, TN 37040
Attendance: 64 Comanchero Veterans, 91
total reunion attendees, 137 Comancheros with guest were served at the A/101
Aviation Dinner on Saturday. This was the largest gathering of A/101 Avn members
in the history of our unit. The historic A/101 Avn legacy and the excellent
camaraderie between the eras was deeply felt by everyone in attendance at this
great reunion. A huge Thank You to the U.S. Army for all of the outstanding
hospitality you showed to us during our visit. You treated all of our reunion
attendees like we were honored US Army family members. It was truly an honor to
meet the heroic men and women of today's Screaming Eagles. None of us will ever
forget this memorable time at Fort Campbell.

Hundreds of more reunion photos are located in the links at the bottom of this
2007 Reunion After Action
Report by E.G "Jerry" Turner
Day 1; Travel day, drove from Houston to Clarksville,
departed at 0545, arrived at 2045 at the Hotel, met our guys in the
Hospitality Suite, checked in, went back to the Hospitality Suite and had
several beers, I needed them badly! Only got lost once (in Clarksville!),
spent an hour and a half trying to find the Hotel, last time I will follow
Mapquest directions!
Day 2; Joined the group, went to the Division Review,
kinda chilly out there, but worth the effort and chill to watch our Young
Warriors on parade. The old guys marched as well, looked really good, they
even stayed in step! Got kinda teary eyed watching them march by, great job
guys, you all looked great! We went to the Bn area and spent time with our
current crop of Warriors, can't say enough about them, they make me very
proud and are certainly carrying our legacy forward! We went to the Museum
and listened to Ted Crozier regal us with our history and other war
stories. Later in the day we had a barbecue with the Troops, got to drink
more beer and talk to our Younger Brothers, enjoyed it very much, then back
to the Hotel Hospitality suite, more beer! I must say that LTC Fish and his
staff really treated us right and with much respect, the XO had his hands
full escorting us old farts around, I told him it was like herding cats, it
cannot be done! But he managed to keep his cool and was a fine escort. A
very special thanks must go to our Drivers for putting up with all our war
stories, they actually pretended to listen to us with interest! Our Driver
van number 4, was from Alaska and treated us with respect, a fine young
Trooper with a young wife and baby. Of course van #4 was the best of this
motley crew for we had all Warriors and Thunderbirds aboard, you know them
really old guys from the BC era! A long day, but very enjoyable.
Day 3; Attended a Division Memorial Service, then the
dedication of the new headquarters building (The Nut House), met the
Division CG, MG Schloesser, had a long conversation with him, a very
personable man, with great respect for our legacy and veterans. But I
pointed out to him that the Battle Streamers in the headquarters were wrong,
they showed the earliest Vietnam deployment as being in 1967, I told him
that A Company 101st Aviation Battalion arrived in Vietnam in 1965, the
first 101st Unit to see combat since WWII and advised him that we received
the Presidential Unit Citation, along with the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry
(Unit) while there. He said he did not know that and would fix the error, I
told him that I would be checking on that! Went to the air show at Sabre
Field, got to see RB's aircraft that he crewed in RVN, he showed me all the
bullet holes, very happy that Richard got to reunite with "his aircraft".
Went back to the Hotel for our A/101 Association Meeting, I'll let someone
else address the results of that meeting, suffice it to say that we
accomplished a number of things, not least of them the approval of our A/101
Scholarship Fund. After that more beer in the hospitality suite, then the
Banquet, which was great, much fun was had by all, many smiling faces, war
stories, great food, good service and participation of the active duty guys
and their families. PT Paul entertained us with with his rendition of
various songs, Ken Trump did a great job with the Auctioneering, raised a
bunch of money for our Scholarship Fund! Another long, but satisfying and
very enjoyable day! I had invited two guests to attend our banquet, Steve
Verrigni (A Cav guy, 229th Bn.) and his fiance Sandy, Steve brought a
Patriot Guard Riders Flag to present to the Battalion and it was presented
to LTC Fish along with other gifts at the banquet.
Day 4; Time to leave, had breakfast with all you
great guys and gals, said our goodbyes, made a trip out to Campbell with
Steve and Sandy to get some souvenirs and toured the base, went to the PX.
Departed Clarksville at 1400, arrived in Friendswood at 0430 the following
morning, 14 and a half hours of driving!
A couple of additional comments; I must commend
Richard Bittle, Tom Halligan, Gil Jones, Chuck Slezak, Chuck Luczynski and
Don Kennedy our A/101 Board for their hard work in making this reunion one
of the best yet, great job guys, thank you! And seeing Stan Rosinski and
his family there was wonderful, Stan is a great guy, he served in WWII,
maybe Korea and with us in RVN in 1965-66, a real combat leader and example
for all of us to emulate. I don't want to forget my bud Hermie, yes Hermie,
I know that you are an Alpha-Eagle! And I wonder if Ron Kuhn ever got his
patch? Finally got to meet Crash McKool, thanks for being there my friend!
And to ALL of you that attended; we are truly a "band of Brothers", no
matter what era you may represent, thanks to you all! You all will forever
have my love and respect!
Jerry Turner
114th AML. White Knight 1965
A Co., 101st Avn. Bn., Warrior 25 1965-66 Soc Trang RVN.
2007 Reunion photos
provided by Stephen & Dixie Cipot
2007 Reunion photos provided by Jennifer Wick, Chuck Slezak and
Chris Simone
2007 Reunion photos #1 provided by Gil and Pam
2007 Reunion photos #2 provided by Gil and Pam
2007 Reunion photos #3 provided by Gil and Pam
2007 Reunion photos #1 provided by Pony Tail Paul Cauley
2007 Reunion photos #2 provided by Pony Tail Paul Cauley
2007 Reunion photos #3 provided by Pony Tail Paul Cauley
2007 Reunion photos #4 provided by Pony Tail Paul Cauley
2007 Reunion photos with
humorous captions provided by Pony Tail Paul Cauley
2007 Reunion photos with
humorous captions provided by Pony Tail Paul Cauley
All of the patches and other
merchandise that sold out
at the reunion are available online with this link

Copyright © 1998-2007 A/101 Aviation Association, Inc. All rights reserved.=
Revised: 07/20/07.