Poems submitted by Veterans

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Don't give me an old UH1, with guns better than none
She' vibrate and shake, like an old earthquake
Don't give me an old UH1

Don't give me an old OH6, fast and easy to fix
She'll go into a tail spin, when downwind
Don't give me an old OH6

Don't give me an old Chinook, a powerful hook
She'll lift, leak and intermesh
Don't give me an old Chinook.

Don't give me an old Snake, with rockets to break
She'll bump her mast and break your heart
Don't give and old Snake.

Don't give me an old Crane, a flying pain
She'll lift and hook and drop from on high
Don't give me an old Crane.

Don't give me and old Apache, with computers and all attaché
The guy in the front is had, as his computers go bad
Don't give an old Apache!

Jerry Turner
A Co. 101st. Avn. Bn.
Warrior 25
Soc Trang RVN

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Terror From the Sky ©

The day was clear and bright
No indication of impending fright

The date was  September eleven
The message was not from Heaven

Terror struck from the sky
Terrorists came in on the fly

Their aim was to intimidate
The effect was immediate

Heroes rushed to save
Their actions beyond brave

Towers were aflame on high
Billows of smoke marred the sky

As occupants tried to flee
The structures ceased to be

Thousands were buried alive
In rubble as they hurried to survive

Four machines were used this day
Three successful, one turned away

The result was not a murderer's vision
The country was not driven to division

The people united as they responded
In support of the heroes they bonded

To terror and intimidation we say no!
The Terrorists shall reap what they sow!

Warrior 25
21 September 2001

Lord knows I am peaceful

when I'm left alone;

I've always been an eagle,

been a while since I have flown.

My claws are sharp as ever,

so is  my eagle eye.

Something's gonna go to ground,

........when the eagle flies.

Lately I've heard rumors

that the eagle may be lame.

Just because I've been idle

don't mean that I am tame.

You've jeopardized my freedom,

my natural place to roost.

I can fly if I have to,

....they've turned the eagle loose.

When you feel the shadow crossing,

the eagle's in the air!

So lay all your doubts aside,

when you go to bed tonight.

My feathers are all ruffled

and I'm ready for a fight.



“Author Unknown”

Provided by: Jerry Turner
Warrior 25
21 September 2001

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Osama Bin Laden, your time is short;
We'd rather you die, than come to court.
Why are you hiding if it was in God's name?
Your just a punk with a turban; a pathetic shame.

I have a question, about your theory and laws;
"How come you never die for the cause?"
Is it because you're a coward who counts on others?
Well here in America, we stand by our brothers.

As is usual, you failed in your mission;
If you expected pure chaos, you can keep on wishin'
Americans are now focused and stronger than ever;
Your death has become our next endeavor.

What you tried to kill, doesn't live in our walls;
It's not in buildings or shopping malls.
If all of our structures came crashing down;
It would still be there, safe and sound.

Because pride and courage can't be destroyed;
Even if the towers leave a deep void.
We'll band together and fill the holes
We'll bury our dead and bless their souls.

But then our energy will focus on you;
And you'll feel the wrath of the Red, White and Blue.
So slither and hide like a snake in the grass;
Because America's coming to kick your ass!!!

“Author Unknown”

Provided by: Jerry Turner
Warrior 25
21 September 2001


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© Paul  Spreadbury,  ([email protected]
   Two thousand one, nine eleven
   Five thousand plus arrive in heaven
   As they pass through the gate,
   Thousands more appear in wait
    A bearded man
    with stovepipe hat
    Steps forward saying,
    "Let's sit, let's chat"
   They settle down in seats of clouds
   A man named Martin shouts out proud
   "Ihave a dream!" and once he did
   The Newcomer said,  "Your dream still lives."
   Groups of soldiers in blue and gray
   Others in khaki, and green then say
    "We're from Bull Run, Yorktown, the Maine"
   The Newcomer said, "You died not in vain."
   From a man on sticks one could hear
   "The only thing we have to fear.
   The Newcomer said, "We know the rest,
   trust us sir, we've passed that test."
    "Courage doesn't hide in caves
   You can't bury freedom, in a grave,"
   The Newcomers had heard this voice before
   A distinct Yankees twang from Hyannis port shores
   A silence fell within the mist
   Somehow the Newcomer knew that this
   Meant time had come for her to say
   What was in the hearts of the five thousand plus that day
    "Backon Earth, we wrote reports,
   Watched our children play in sports
   Worked our gardens, sang our songs
   Went to church and clipped coupons
   We smiled, we laughed,
   we cried, we fought
   Unlike you,
   great we're not"
   The tall man in the stovepipe hat
   Stood and said, "don't talk like that!
   Look at your country, look and see
   You died for freedom, just like me"
   Then, before them all appeared a scene
   Of rubbled streets and twisted beams
   Death, destruction, smoke and dust
   And people working just 'cause they must
   Hauling ash, lifting stones,
   Knee deep in hell
   But not alone
   "Look! Blackman, Whiteman, Brownman, Yellowman
   Side by side helping their fellow man!"
   So said Martin, as he watched the scene
   "Even from nightmares, can be born a dream."
   Down below three firemen raised
   The colors high into ashen haze
   The soldiers above had seen it before
   On Iwo Jima back in '44
   The man on sticks studied everything closely
   Then shared his perceptions on what he saw mostly
    "I see pain, I see tears,
    I see sorrow - but I don't see fear."
    "You left behind husbands and wives
   Daughters and sons and so many lives
   are suffering now because of this wrong
   But look very closely. You're not really gone.
   All of those people, even those who've never met you
   All of their lives, they'll never forget you
   Don't you see what has happened?
   Don't you see what you've done?
   You've brought them together, together as one.
   With that the man in the stovepipe hat said
   "Take my hand," and from there he led
   five thousand plus heroes, Newcomers to heaven
   On this day, two thousand one, nine eleven

© Paul  Spreadbury,  ([email protected]

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The Scouts recon with skill

The Snakes hunt and kill

The Slicks carry their fill


Slicks assault the LZ

They find no glee

Only a landing and flee


Lift after lift is landed

Call for resupply is handed

Slicks fly in single-handed


In with ammo and chow

Out with wounded that bow

Back with water and know how


Slicks continue to fly

Many hours go by

Hits are taken, more resupply


Return for fuel to take

Refuel hot, no break

Back to the fight for God’s sake


Fire from the right

Gunners return with fright

Pilots eager for flight


Off load, reload with haste

Sitting and waiting a waste

A shout of up, airborne with a salty taste


The battle over, Troopers ready

Slicks return in formation steady

Slicks load, lift off with Troopers heady


Approach to homeplate

Maintenance to perform late

Be ready for tomorrow’s fate


No glory to be had

Survival, a reason to be glad

Tomorrow may be bad


Jerry Turner

Warrior 25

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Pilots ©

I hope there's a place, way up in the sky,
Where pilots can go, when they have to die
A place where a guy can buy a cold beer 
For a friend and comrade, whose memory is dear
A place where no doctor or lawyer can tread
Nor management type would ere be caught dead 
Just a quaint little place; kind of dark and full of smoke 
Where they like to sing loud, and love a good joke 
The kind of place a lady could go 
And feel safe and protected, by the men she would know 
There must be a place where old pilots go 
When the paining is finished, and their airspeed gets low 
Where whiskey is old, and the women are young 
And the songs about flying and dying are sung
Where you'd see all the fellows who'd flown west before 
And they'd call out your name, as you came through the door 
Who would buy you a drink, if your thirst should be bad 
And relate to others, "He was quite a good lad!" 
And then through the mist, you'd spot an old guy 
You had not seen for years though he'd taught you to fly 
He'd nod his old head, and grin ear to ear
And say, "Welcome, my son, I'm pleased that you're here 
For this is the place where true flyers come 
When the journey is over, and the war has been won 
They've come here at last to be safe and alone 
From the government clerk and management clone 
Politicians and lawyers, the Feds and the noise
Where all hours are happy and these good ol' boys 
Can relax with a cool one, and a well-deserved rest 
This is Heaven, my son - you've passed your last test!"

Unknown Author, posted by Jerry Turner

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Ghosts ©

Ghosts appear and disappear,

in my mind, causing my fear,

the moans and the screams,

causing banishment of my dreams,

replaced by scenes of yore,

the mud, the blood, the gore,

as real as today, but recalled

from times that galled,

unknown times of battle and war,

times of youth and score,

times that cannot be taken away,

times that reappear today,

live with what was done,

but never far from the ones

that reappear as ghosts in my mind...


© Jerry Turner

114th AML

White Knight

Vinh Long RVN 1965

A Co. 101st. Avn. Bn.

Warrior 25

Soc Trang RVN 1965-66

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Twas the night before Christmas ©


The Elk meal was gone

Bob Hope had arrived

Just in from Saigon


Zais was sleeping

In the General's head

Cause Bob and the roundeyes

Were piled in his bed


The Hideout was peaceful

Except for the smoke

From Oscars and enlisted

Sitting back for a toke


The turbines were silent

Except for the crews

That were out on flare missions

For infantry dudes


The cooks were still busy

Filling Miramax cans

With holiday hot meals

For the infantry man


When all ears were turned

To the sound of a start

Somebody was hurting

Out there in the dark


Flight crews were ready

To go where we will

But the cadre was snockered

From booze they had swilled


The flights were all cancelled

The fight wasn't bad

We all called a goodnight

And went to our beds


Our families were each giving

Us toasts that fine day

For the men who were fighting

For Freedom that day

Gary Lee Stamey ©2003

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Scouts go low and slow
Looking for trouble below
Eyes wide, taking in all
Senses alert, awaiting the call
Movement on the right
The start of a fight
Taking fire is the call
Wing Man suppressing all
Smoke out to mark the spot
Snakes rolling in hot
Death and destruction inbound
Scouts still look around
Adjust fires for effect
No time to reflect
Return to assess
A Hell of a mess
Back to looking for Trouble
Observing through a bubble
Continue the search
>From a low perch
Looking for Trouble
Credo of the men in the bubble

Jerry Turner
Warrior 25
07 October 2005

Jerry Turner
114th AML
White Knight
A Co., 101st Avn. Bn.
Warrior 25
Soc Trang RVN.

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Terror From the Sky

The day was clear and bright
No indication of impending fright

The date was September eleven
The message was not from Heaven

Terror struck from the sky
Terrorists came in on the fly

Their aim was to intimidate
The effect was immediate

Heroes rushed to save
Their actions beyond brave

Towers were aflame on high
Billows of smoke marred the sky

As occupants tried to flee
The structures ceased to be

Thousands were buried alive
In rubble as they hurried to survive

Four machines were used this day
Three successful, one turned away

The result was not a murderer's vision
The country was not driven to division

The people united as they responded
In support of the heroes they bonded

To terror and intimidation we say no!
The Terrorists shall reap what they sow!

Jerry Turner
Warrior 25
21 September 2001

Jerry Turner
114th AML
White Knight
A Co., 101st Avn. Bn.
Warrior 25
Soc Trang RVN.

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